Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

System Approach to Instruction

The Definition of System Approach to Instruction
A. The Definition of System 
In terms of etymology, the word system is actually derived from Greece, namely “Systema”, which in English is known as "SYSTEM", that had a meaning as a set of parts or components that are interconnected on regularly and it is a whole that cannot be separated. 
According to the Institute of Public Administration: “System is essentially a set of components, elements, which are related to each other, interplay and interdependence, so that the whole is an integrated unit or a totality, and has a specific role or purpose.” 
The following are the definitions of system according to some experts: 
1. Stoa 
System is a combination of heaven and earth who work together, so that we can see that system consist of elements that work together to form a whole and if one element is missing or not working, then the overall combination cannot be called as a system. 
2. Buckley 
System is a whole that functions as a whole by virtue of interdependence of its parts. 
3. H. Kerzner 
System is a group of components consisting of humans and or non-human who organized and arranged so that the components can act as a unity in achieving its objectives, common goals or outcomes. This meaning implies the importance of aspects arrangement and organizing the components of a system to reach the common goal, because if there is no proper coordination and synchronization, then the activities of each component, sub–system, or areas in an organization will be less support each other. 
Furthermore, understanding of system is in fact also used to show a lot of things like: a system that is used to indicate a set and the set of objects that are merged or combined by a mutual connection form or interdependence in regularly; a set of parts that combined naturally or by human resources to become an integrated unity. 
In general, within the scope of the understanding of system contained a variety of components (elements), various activities (pointing function of each component), a mutual dependency relationship between components, the integrity (unity organist = integration) between components, the breadth of system (there are areas in the system and outside the system), and dynamic motion of all the functions of all the component leads (oriented) to the achievement of the goal of predetermined system. 
Based on the various definitions above, then it can be taken a conclusion that system is an association of many components that integrate each other, mutual functioning cooperatively and influence each other in order to achieve a particular goal. 
Many people argue that system has the same meaning in “a way or method”. However, system is different with a way or method. The term system has a wider scope. For instance human. Human as a system because human have certain components that one and each other is inter-related. In the human body, there are component of the eyes, nose, mouth, hands and so forth. Each component has a definite function. Each component in the human body is also interconnected each other. For example, when our eyes hurt, then the whole body will feel the pain which means it will affect the overall body system. 

B. The Feature of System 
Based on the explanations above, there are 3 main features of a system, which are: 
1. The existence of objective 
Every system definitely has an objective, the objective of system has been determined first, and it became benchmark of the selection of components and activities in the work process of the system. Components, component functions, and work stage which exists in a system leads to the achievement of system goal. System objective is a main orientation in a system. 
2. The existence of system components (other than objective) 
If a system is a machine, then each parts are the components of the machine (the system); Similarly with the instruction at school as a system, then all the elements included in it (both human and non human) and other activities that happened in it is the components of system. So each system must have components. 
3. The existence of function that guarantee the dynamics (movement) and the unity of the work of system. 
In a system, each component contained in it has and run each function and every function is related to one another to achieve a particular goal. For example, our body is a system, each organ (part) in the body run certain functions, which are entirely (all the functions of the system components) is coordinated in a compact, in order to ourselves and our lives as human able to work in healthy and proper. 
The third features above are one unit which is then called “System”. All of those are parts which integrate as a unity (totality) that one and another cannot stand alone, interdependent and strengthened in achieving the goal. 

C. The Characteristics of Components 
The existence of components and its functions have an important position. It can be ascertained that it is not possible a system without any components. There are several characteristics of the component in a system. The following are the characteristics of the component in a system. 
1. According to its function, components are distinguished in two characteristics, which are: 
a. Integral Component. 
Integral component is a component that cannot be separated from the existence of the system itself. It means that when a component is missing, then the existence of the system is missing too, for example, student and teacher components in the education system. The existence of school is determined by the existence of student and teacher components. We would be difficult to assume that school exists when there are no students that are taught or there are no teachers who teach. Thus, the student and teacher components are integral components in the schooling system. 
b. Not Integral Component 
Not Integral components have the same meaning with complementary components. That are, even though those components do not exist, it will not affect the existence of a system, although it may affect the work of the system itself, for example, the library component in a school. Although a school had no library, it will affect the existence of the school. 
2. Each component in a system has the characteristics of interconnected or interacted, influence each other, and interrelated. All the components of the system have to work their function properly, because when one of the components apart from other components, or cannot perform its functions properly, it would undermine the system as a whole. For instance, if the eyes component is not functioning properly, it would undermine the system of human body. 
3. Each component in a system represents a whole that has a meaning. In a system, components are not only separate part, but a meaningful unity. Although a car has a complete part, but if it is not installed properly on the right place, the car would not work properly too. Each component in a system is a unified whole that is well in place. 
4. Each component in a system is part of the larger system. The component in a system is essentially a subsystem of larger system. It means that components basically form their own smaller systems. For instance, school is as a system, which is a subsystem of the education system. Education as a system is a subsystem of social system. 

System Approach 
System approach is an effort to solve the problems that is done by looking at the problems thoroughly and performing a system analysis. Systems approach is needed if we are facing a complex problem that required an analysis of those problems, to understand the relationships of a section with other sections in the problem, as well as the link between problems with other problems. 
For example, in the case of a car accident, we cannot assume the occurrence of accidents caused by speeding car run. If we examined more closely, there are many factors that can be the cause of a car accident. 
Therefore, the system approach is required in order to the various possibilities that are available can be calculated, so that no one escapes from attention. In short, it can be said that many of the advantages we get by taking this systematic conclusions or decisions. 

The views of instruction continuously change and develop in accordance with the progress of science and technology. Those development signs can be observed based on the understanding that are presented in the explanation below. 
1. Instruction has the same meaning with teaching activities. Teaching activities are conducted by the teacher to convey knowledge to students. In this concept, the teacher acts and plays an active role, even very prominent and decisive everything in learning process. Instruction has the same meaning with the Act of teaching. 
2. Instruction is the interaction of teaching and learning. Instruction takes place as a process of mutual influence in the form of interaction between teachers and students. The teacher acts as an educator, while student has a role as subject that committed learning. Teachers and students show a balance activity, even though their role different, but related to each other. 

Instruction System 
Gagne and Atwi Suparman said that instruction system is a set of events that affect students, leading to the learning process. 
Oemar Hamalik, said, “Instruction system is an organized combination which includes the elements of human, material, facilities, equipment, and procedures that interact to achieve a purpose.” 
As a system, all of the elements form the system that has interdependence characteristic that is directed to achieve a goal. In the instruction process, all of the elements move dynamically in a directed combination in order to bring students or learners to achieve the instruction objective. Instruction is a pattern in which established a procedure that is planned and directed, also has an objective. 
From the descriptions above, then obviously the duty of an instruction designer involves 3 main principles, which are: 
1. As the Planner, organizing all of the elements in order to function well, because when one element is not working properly it will undermine the system itself. 
2. As the Implementation Manager in accordance with the procedures and the schedules which are planned. 
3. As the Evaluator of student in achieving the goal to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the instruction system. 

System Approach to Instruction 
Based on the definitions before, we can take a conclusion that the system approach to instruction is a starting point or the point of view based on the system analysis of the learning process which refers to the view to realize the instruction system which has a clear objective and direction by optimizing the function of each component. 

The Advantages of System Approach to Instruction 
Planning the instruction by using the system approach has some advantages, which are: 
1. Through the system approach, the direction and the objective of instruction can be planned clearly. The formulation of goals is one of the characteristics of system approach. Determination of the instruction components basically directed to achieve the goal. Thus, all efforts of both the teacher and student do basically turned to the goal achievement. Therefore, through the system approach every teacher can understand well the purpose and direction of the instruction, so that through a clear goal, it is not only able to determine the steps of instruction and the development of other components, but it is also able to be used as a criteria of instruction process effectiveness. 
2. The system approach leads teacher to systematic activities. Thinking systematically is thinking coherently, so that through the clear and definite steps, enabling to reach the maximum results. Because through systematic measures, we are led to do the instruction process step-by-step from the entire series of activities. So the possibility of failure can be minimized. Thus, the system approach also can avoid the unnecessary activities. 
3. The system approach can design instruction by optimizing all the available potential and resources. The system is designed so that instruction objectives can be achieved with optimal. In this case, thinking systematically means thinking how to the goals that has been defined are able to be achieved by students. For the achievement of instruction objectives within the system framework, every teacher tried to utilize the entire potential that relevant and available. 
4. The system approach can provide feedback. Through a process of feedback in the system approach can be known whether that goal has been successfully achieved or not. It is very important because achieving a goal is a main purpose in thinking systematically. For example, when based on the feedback is known that the goal cannot be reached, we can figure out which components need to be fixed and which component needs to be maintained. 

The Components of Instruction System 
Instruction planning is a result of rational thinking about specific instruction objectives, as well as a series of activities that should be implemented as an attempt to achieve the goal by utilizing all the potential and existing learning resources. The instruction planning leads to the translation process of the valid curriculum. While the instruction design emphasis on designing instruction program to help the student learning process. This instance which is distinguishes both of them. Instruction planning is oriented to curriculum, while the instruction design is oriented to learning process. 
However, planning and design, both of them are compiled based on the system approach. Therefore, there are various components that consist in instruction system, which are: 
1. Student 
The instruction process essentially is directed to teach student to achieve the goals that have been determined. So in the development process of design and planning, students should become the central consideration, which is the decisions that is taken should be adapted to the conditions of the students, including basic ability, interest, talent, learning motivation, and learning style of students themselves. 
If we have understood the problems that relate to the students, then we can start to make the instruction planning and arrange the instruction design. Thus, any decision that we take should begin from the conditions of the students that we teach. 
2. Objective 
Objective is the most important component in instruction after student component as the learning subject. Objective is actually a direction that must be used as reference in creating design and planning as well as instruction in the classroom. The specific objectives that have to be planned by the teacher are: 
a. Knowledge, information and understanding as the objective of the cognitive field. 
b. Attitude and appreciation as the objective of the affective field. 
c. Various skills and abilities as the objective of the psychomotor field. 
In the instruction context, a special objective formulated as a technique to achieve the educational objective. 
3. Condition 
Condition is various learning experiences that are expected present in student in order to student can achieve the instruction objective as it has been formulated. These experiences should be able to make students active in learning, both physical and non-physical. 
One of instruction planning is providing opportunities to students to study according to their learning style tendencies. Likewise, instruction design should be able to make students learn with great motivation and passion. Therefore, the duty of the teacher is to facilitate students to learn in accordance with the interest, motivation, and their own style. 
4. Learning resource 
Learning resource related to everything that allows student to gain learning experiences. It includes the physical environment, such as learning place; the tools used, the librarian, media experts, and so forth. 
5. Learning outcomes 
Learning outcomes relating to the achievement in gaining the skill in accordance with the specific purposes are planned. Thus, the main duty of teacher is designing instruments that can generate data about the success of student in achieving instruction objectives. 

Criteria and Variables that Can Affect the Instruction System 
A. Learning outcomes as the criteria of the success of instruction system 
Instruction is a complex system and its success can be viewed from two aspects, which are the product aspect and the process aspect. The instruction success viewed from the product aspect is the success of student in the results obtained by ignoring the learning process, for example, when a teacher formulates objective or competency that must be accomplished: “expected students may mention the 2 X 2”, then learning is considered successful when students can mention or write the number 4, without have to elaborate where the number 4 was obtained. 
The success of instruction seen from the product aspect is easily to be seen and determined the criteria, but this can reduce the meaning of the instruction process as the process that contains the education values. In other words, the success of instruction that just saw the product aspect has the same meaning with downgrading the meaning of instruction itself. 

B. Variables Which Affect the Success of Instruction System 
There are several variables that can affect the process of instruction system, which are: 
1. Teacher Factor 
Teacher is a crucial component. It is because teacher is one who deals directly with the students. In the instruction system, teacher commonly serves as planners or designers instruction, implementer, or both. As planners, teacher is required to properly understand the curriculum, the student characteristics, facilities and resources, so that all of those are used as components in preparing the planning and design of instruction. In performing its function as implementer and designer of instruction, teacher is not only required to serve as a model of the design that has been made. However, teacher also acts as the Instruction Manager. 
Thus, the effectiveness of the instruction process lies in teacher. Therefore, the success of instruction process is determined by the quality and the ability of teacher. According to Dunkin (1974) there are several aspects that can affect the quality of the teacher, which are: 
a. Teacher formative experience, 
Including gender as well as all the life experiences of teachers who become their social background. 
b. Teacher training experience, 
Including experiences related to the activities and educational background of teacher. For example, professional practice experience, education level, the tenure experience and so forth. 
c. Teacher properties, 
Including everything that is related to properties of teacher. 
2. Student factor 
Students are unique organisms that develop according to the stages of its development. Children development is the development of entire aspects of their personality, but the tempo and rhythm of development of each child in every aspect is not always the same. The instruction process can be influenced by the difference process of the children development, besides other characteristics that inherent in children itself. As well as teachers, the student development is also influenced by the pupil formative experience and pupil properties. 
3. Equipment and Infrastructure Factors 
Equipment is everything that supports instruction directly to smooth the instruction process, for example, instructional media, learning tools, school supplies, and so on; while the infrastructure is everything that indirectly supports the success of instruction process. For example, distance to school, school lighting, restroom, and so forth. The completeness of equipment and infrastructure will help teachers in organizing the instruction process. Thus, the equipment and infrastructure is an important component that can affect the instruction process. 
There are several advantages to school that has a complete equipment and infrastructure. First, the completeness equipment and infrastructure can grow up passion and motivation of teachers in teaching. Second, the completeness equipment and infrastructure can provide various options to students to learn. 
4. Environment factor 
Viewed of the environment dimension, there are two factors that can affect the instruction process, which are class organization factor and social psychological climate factor. 
Class organization factor in which including the number of students in one class is an important aspect which can affect the instruction process. Class organization that is too large will be less effective to achieve the instruction objectives. The large learning group in a classroom tends to: 
a. Group resources will gain wide according to the number of students. So the time available will be less too. 
b. Study groups will be less able to exploit and use all of the resources. For example, in the use of discussion time, number of students that too many will take much time as well, so that it will be difficult to obtain the contribution of each student. 
c. Learning satisfaction every student will tend to decline. This is because the learning group which is too many will get a limited service of teacher, in other words, the teacher's attention will be more fragmented. 
d. Individual differences between members will be more visible, so that it will be more difficult to reach an agreement. The group that is too large will tend to be split into subgroups that contradicted each other. 
e. Members of the group that is too many will tend more students that reluctant to actively participate in every activity of the group. 
Other factor of environment dimension that can affect the learning process is the factor of social psychological climate, which is the harmonious relationship among people that involved in the instruction process. This social climate can occur internally or externally. Internally is the relationship among the people involved in the school environment, for instance, the social climate among students with other students, among teachers with other teachers, even among teachers with school leader. Externally is the harmonious relationship among school with the around environment, for example, the school’s relationship with parents of students, the school’s relationship with the community institutions, etc. 
Based on all the explanation above, the application of system approach to instruction actually have three characteristics, which are, planning, interdependence and goals to be achieved. 
In planning, there are some components that influence each other, and work together to achieve a goal. So in the instruction system approach, all the components have meaning in the achievement of a goal. It means that the achievement of that goal will be hampered while there are some components that are not working properly.

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